There will be the Church Women United May Friendship Day Celebration on Saturday May 18th at 1:00. It will be at the Disciples of Christ Church in Clayton. Included is the May Friendship Day offering and awards for valiant women. Our own Connie Sinks will be receiving a Young Church Women United award. Carpooling will be available.
Diaconate Worship Board
Pastor Jeff has started a 10-part sermon series on The Sermon on the Mount. We’ve heard two sermons so far and they have been educational, fascinating and humbling.
The first sermon was on Matthew 5:1-2 and we got a history lesson on life and social beliefs at that time. He talked about Jewish honor, authority, and humility. The second sermon was on The Beatitudes, Matthew 5:2-12 and talked about the meaning of “Blessed.” The Hebrews believed that it was a state of emptying oneself in order to come face to face with God; that one had to be pure in heart. The remaining eight sermons will continue through Matthew 5, 6, and 7. We hope you will join us in person to hear this exciting series on Jesus’ teachings.
For those of you who follow us on Facebook, you have probably noticed we are having problems with our live-stream broadcast of our weekly service. Like many other churches, Facebook has blocked us from live-streaming. Whether it is because of music copyright violations (the copyright law’s religious exemption does not include streaming, broadcasting, or recording of your music.) or because they are limiting religious and political messages, or if someone has filed a complaint. We don’t know the reason but we are working to find a solution. We may need to find a different platform to share our services. Please bear with us through this transition period. We will keep you updated.
Flower Sign Up
Live flowers in the sanctuary on Sundays are always a special treat. It’s lovely to recognize a birthday, anniversary, special occasion, or “just because” with fresh flowers on the altar. If you would like to bring flowers, there is a sign up poster in the hall outside the fellowship hall. Your generous gift of flowers will be recognized in the bulletin so that we may celebrate with you.
Board of Christian Education
Exciting Updates for Our Sunday Gatherings!
Join us as we embark on a captivating journey through the story of Jonah in our upcoming Adult Sunday School sessions led by the esteemed Brian Wood. Delve deep into the timeless lessons and profound insights nestled within this ancient narrative. Mark your calendars for these enriching sessions on May 12, 19, 26, and June 2, just before the main church service.
Meanwhile, our beloved Kids’ Connection program is gearing up for an inspiring conclusion to the season with a special focus on families in the Bible. As we prepare for the next school season, we're extending an invitation to passionate volunteers who are eager to make a difference in the lives of our youngest members. If you feel called to lend a helping hand, please don't hesitate to reach out to Connie, Susan, Megan, Mo, or Brian S. Your contribution will make a world of difference!
Let’s come together in fellowship and learning as we explore the depths of scripture and nurture the next generation in faith. See you there!
May Birthdays
Please remember those who are celebrating birthdays this month. Send them a card, a cheery text, or give them a call.
May 1 Victor Mwizerwa
May 15 Connie Sinks
May 22 Pat Trent
May 24 Alisha Hiehle
May 29 Rev. Bob Heizer
May Events
May 5 Sunday Worship, 11 am. Communion
May 10 Men’s Fellowship, 11am at Hasty Tasty
May 11 Church Work Day, we will be putting down mulch, 9 am
May 12 Adult Sunday School, "Jonah", 10 am
Sunday Worship, 11 am
Mother's Day, no board meetings, no coffee hour
May 17 Firepit Fellowship, 6 pm
May 18 CWU Friendship Day, 1PM at Disciples of Christ Church in Clayton
May 19 Adult Sunday School, "Jonah", 10 am
Sunday Worship, 11 am
May 26 Adult Sunday School, "Jonah", 10 am
Sunday Worship, 11 am
Thank you to our Volunteers
May Worship Assistant - Amy
May Greeter - Joyce
May 5 Brian T.
May 12 Michael
May 19 Brian T.
May 26 Susan
May Refreshments
May 5 Amy & Judy
May 12 No Board Mtgs/No Coffee Hour
May 19 Jerri & Tim
May 26 Megan & Messert