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April 2023 Newsletter - The Tie Binder

“The Hunt is On” This month we’re again celebrating Easter with an Easter egg hunt. Hopefully several of my grandchildren will be present to share in the excitement. Just thinking of their faces makes me smile. One of our grandchildren, Parker, is really young. If she attends it will be her first egg hunt. She will get excited as we share enthusiasm. Charlotte who is preschool age will need no extra boost of energy. She will come fully loaded with more spirit than a cheerleader. Quinn, who is in elementary school, will be a sharp-eyed sniper – finding every last egg in record time. But she is also very kind and will hopefully hold back a bit to make more opportunities for the younger children.

This parallels a few parables Jesus taught on the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew chapter 13. First is “The Parable of the Hidden Treasure” Verse 44 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

The second is like it: “The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price” Verse 45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

In both of these teachings we see that the kingdom of heaven is a worthy search. God encourages us to hunt with the vigor of a child. Take all that you have and trade it for the kingdom treasure. Trade the perishable for the imperishable, the temporal for the eternal, and the things of this earth for the things of heaven. It is a joyous trade.

The Easter egg symbolizes new life and Jesus' emergence from the tomb – He is risen from the grave. As we identify with Him in His death, rendering ourselves dead to sin, we also rise to new life with Him. Because He was raised from the dead, we too follow in resurrection power. We are taken from this earthly grave into a heavenly home. I am praying that you walk in the joy and peace of His truth this Easter. And as older children in God’s family give consideration for others on this hunt. Make sure that everyone you know has opportunity to find the treasure in Christ that you enjoy.

God Bless you. Pastor Tom


American Baptist Women’s Ministry Join with other women as we hear Janny Kehr speak to us on Wednesday April 5th at 10:00. Following Janny's presentation and our meeting we will go out for lunch. Please note that this is a change of day we will meet on Wednesday not Tuesday. Remember to donate used stamps, used books, flip tops from soda cans, used eyeglasses all to the giving center as we will donate them. Thanks for your support with our projects.

Ministry Opportunity On Tuesday, March 21 our ABWM met for fellowship at lunchtime then went to Hannah’s Treasure Chest for a tour and to volunteer. Six DLABC women helped with a project at the facility at 124 West Park Rd, in Centerville. The non-profit was founded in 2001 and now serves 75 partner agencies in six counties. Care packages are prepared for infants through 18 years old. Case managers request help and over 6000 children were given care packages last year. There is also a Beds for Babies component (462 beds were provided in 2021). Brighter Smiles Dental Kits provide age-appropriate toothbrushes, toothpaste and flow to children 2 years and older. Giving Angels provide each child with four holiday gifts, a gift for the family, and a gift card for a holiday meal. They always welcome monetary donations, new clothing, diapers, and toys. Gently used items are also welcome and volunteers wash and prepare items for use or sale in “Shop Hannah’s”. It is their thrift shop open Tuesday and Thursday 10-4 and Saturday 10-2. They have at least 80 weekly volunteers. Please contact Heather Taynor at 937-448-5039 for more information.

DLABC Men’s Fellowship The fellowship meeting will be Friday, April 14, 2023 at Jimmie’s Ladder #11 Restaurant, 11 a.m. Jimmie’s Ladder #11 is located at 936 Brown Street, Dayton, OH. If you would like to bring a friend, please do so.

Board of Christian Education Southdale is in need of extra pants for students. We are using our Shoes for Southdale funds to donate the clothing. This is an ongoing mission and anyone can donate to the fund if they wish.

April 1st will be our annual Easter Egg Hunt at 1:30 PM. Bring your kids, grandkids, or neighbors kids for snacks, prizes, and to hear the Easter story!

Diaconate Worship Board Spring has arrived and we are in the midst of Lent. Easter and Palm Sunday will be here soon.

Spring is a time of rebirth. The perennials have broken through the dirt of our gardens and some daffodils and crocus are blooming. Trees are budding, the birds are singing. The days are getting longer and warmer. Nature is awakening from its wintertime slumber. And, of course, we know that Christ is alive in spite of being put to death on a cross. Because we know that Jesus lives, we look forward to celebrating Easter and His resurrection.

Please join us for Palm Sunday and Communion on April 2 at our regular time of 11:00 a.m. On Easter Sunday, we will have one service at 10:00 a.m. Easter lilies will decorate our sanctuary and our vocal ensemble will bring us special music. There will be no Sunrise Service this year. Please note this time change.

Just as springtime brings change and rebirth, we are making some changes in our worship schedule in hopes of finding positive changes and growth. Pastor Tom has served us well as our Interim Pastor, but his time with us will be ending later this year. We are looking at our options, hoping to find a part-time pastor (either retired or bi-vocational), or another church to yoke with; sharing a pastor but staying in our own building.

In an effort to see what is working for other churches in the area and investigate our options, we will be going on the road for at least two Sundays following Easter, to visit other congregations. We will start our Sundays with a 30 minute service at 9:00 a.m. in our sanctuary. Then all who are willing will disperse to different churches in small groups. See Amy for a signup sheet.

Each small group is asked to meet over lunch to discuss and make notes of their findings and impressions. At a later date in May we will gather to review these visits. We appreciate everyone’s flexibility and willingness to make this happen. Joyce is our worship leader for the month of April.

April Events: April 1, 1:30 pm Annual Easter Egg Hunt - bring your own basket

April 2 Palm Sunday

April 2, 11:00 am Palm Sunday Service and Communion, Congregational Meeting After Church, Vocal Ensemble Practice - after church

April 9, 10:00 am Easter Sunday Service April 16, 9:00 am Brief Service before visiting other churches

April 23, 9:00 am Brief Service before visiting other churches

April 30, 10:00 AM Church Service, then Congregational Meeting

From the Moderator DLABC Next Steps – Going on the Road! Are you ready for some exciting church-growth activities to participate in? From the 19-Feb-2023 congregational meeting on Next Steps, it was decided that an effective way to explore options of ‘part-time pastor’, ‘yoking’, and ‘eventual-merging’, would be to have the congregation split up and visit churches within a half-hour radius, to attend their service and perhaps engage dialog or conversation. The churches to visit might be in similar circumstances as DLABC, of reducing budgets requiring exploration of new pastoral care options.

The Sunday of Apr 16 and 23 are being set aside for Road Trip activities. These Sundays will serve many purposes: 1) Outreach to Fellowship with our neighbor Churches, 2) Communication to other churches about our needs to consider yoking and merging, 3) Exploring possibilities for part-time pastors, and 4) Simple enjoyment to meet others, share concerns and wishes, and perhaps learn some new ideas to worship and serve! Road Trip Details.

- DLABC will have a limited service from ~ 9– 9:30 am for members who don’t travel. - A signup sheet will be available from March 26 to Apr 16, so you can choose which churches to attend, and who to travel with. - Watch for further details. - This will be so much fun.. try to not get too excited!

I see this as a great opportunity for church members to learn, grow and have some new experiences. I hope you are excited to join and go! Get your DLABC tee-shirts ready, light up your bright faces, and see you there!

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