Worship News from the Diaconate Board

Advent and Christmas are quickly approaching. It is a time of waiting and anticipation. Pastor Jeff has agreed to lead us through the end of the year and into the New Year to give us some continuity. It is also a chance for him to get to know us better and for us to get to know him.
Advent is a busy time in our church. Everyone is invited to any and all of our activities and services.
Here are some dates to put on your calendar: November 26 - Hanging of the Greens. Stay after worship to help decorate the sanctuary, narthex, and all purpose room for Advent. Pizza, salad, and desert will be provided. December 3 - First Sunday of Advent and Communion Sunday. We will light the first candle on our Advent Wreath. Advent Devotionals will be available for all who want to take one home. December 10 - Second Sunday of Advent and All Church Christmas Party. We will light the second candle on our Advent Wreath. After worship we will have our Church Christmas Party for everyone. There will be festive food, a fun skit with audience participation for all ages, Christmas carols, and a lovely craft project. December 17 - Third Sunday of Advent. We will light the 3rd candle on our Advent wreath. December 24 - Fourth Sunday of Advent AND Christmas Eve. We will celebrate both, the lighting of the 4th Advent Candle and the lighting of the Christ Candle at our Christmas Eve Candle Light Service at 7 pm. Cookies and refreshments will follow the service. * Note: There will be no morning service on Dec. 24. December 31 - New Year’s Eve. What better way to prepare for the coming year than to attend our 11 am morning worship.
January 7 - Communion Sunday. After worship we will take down and put away all the Christmas decorations.
We know this is a busy time of year. Many people are traveling, our homes need to be decorated, there are multiple parties to attend, shopping and wrapping to do, and so much more. Sometimes it feels really overwhelming or even depressing. But we believe that while attending church won’t fix everything, it will give you a moment to breathe and center your hearts on the real meaning of Christmas - the birth of our Savior, Jesus.
Come join us! I’ll save a seat for you.
December Events Dec. 3 1st Sunday of Advent Dec. 9 Church Women United Christmas Celebration, 2:00, St. Paul AME Zion
Dec. 10 2nd Sunday of Advent
Dec. 10 DLABC Christmas Party, after church
Dec. 14 DLABC Women’s Christmas Party, 6:00, Joyce Kelly’s home
Dec. 17 3rd Sunday of Advent Dec. 24 4th Sunday of Advent Dec. 24 Christmas Eve, evening service only, 7:00 PM
American Baptist Women’s Ministry On December 9 at 2:00 p.m. the Church Women United Christmas Celebration will be held at St. Paul AME Zion. If you want to carpool, please let Jerri know. This will be a program honoring pastors, spouses, and priests. There will be a time of fellowship, and a program.
On Thursday, December 14 at 6:00 p.m. women of DLABC will gather at home of Joyce Kelley for our Christmas party. Gayle Jordan is the assistant hostess. Devotions will be given by Judy Teeters. Ladies are asked to bring a white elephant gift and 4 gifts (wrapped) for women shut-ins. Joyce is arranging the meal and asks that those attending bring either an appetizer or dessert.
The service project is donating funds to Southdale Elementary for use with children needing help with the cost of lunch. We will also have a tree in Fellowship Hall for hats, gloves, scarves to be taken to Dayton Christian Center. Can be for infants through school age children. Place your gifts on the tree by December 17. Thank you.
DLABC Men’s Fellowship No Men’s Fellowship this month.
Diaconate Caring and Missions Board Thank you to all who donated to the Shoebox Ministry. We had a total of 13 shoeboxes.
Board of Christian Education DLABC’s Christmas Party will take place after church on December 10th. Our board will lead a Christmas Craft for all to enjoy!
Thanks to everyone who has helped out this year, we look forward to all the New Year will bring.
December Birthdays and Anniversaries
Please remember our folks with birthdays and anniversaries this month. Give them a call, send them a text or email, or drop a card in the mail.
December 3 Lori Frueauf December 17 John Harman December 19 Bev Scarppelli December 21 June Elizabeth Horn
December 7 Carl and Debie Paulin
Thank you to all our volunteers!
Kids’ Connection Schedule Dec. 3 Brian Sinks Dec. 10 Connie Sinks
Dec.17 Susan Sinks
Dec. 24 No Kids' Connection/No morning service
Dec. 31 Megan Farnham
December Worship Assistant - Jerri Wood
December Greeter - Linda Emmons
Ushers Dec. 3 Susan Sinks Dec. 10 Gayle Jordan
Dec. 17 Need volunteer
Dec. 24 Evening Candle Light Service - Need volunteer
Dec. 31 Susan Sinks
December Refreshments Dec. 3 Megan Farnham & Connie Sinks
Dec. 10 Church Christmas Party, Mission and Caring Dec. 17 Joyce Kelley & Linda Emmons
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve - Need volunteers to bring cookies Dec. 31 Roland, Edmund, & Tim

May His presence warm you,
May His promise cheer you,
May His love guide you.
God bless you at Christmas.