Do you ever shop at Dorothy Lane Market?
Our church is registered to receive a donation from Dorothy Lane Market for 2022. Every time you shop and scan your Club DLM card, you build a pro-rated portion of DLM’s yearly $40,000 donations to non-profits which includes our church.
How to get started? First, if you don’t have a Club DLM card, you’ll need to get one, either in a store or online at https://www.dorothylane.com/club-dlm/good-neighbor
Second, fill out the 2022 Good Neighbor Program Sign-Up sheet, online or a paper copy (Ask Lori Frueauf for a copy) and then check number 958 – Dorothy Lane American Baptist Church.
Every time you shop, use your card and what you spend will be credited towards our church receiving this money. The money collected can be used to fund missions or building needs.
Please participate.