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Missions/Caring Board

One Great Hour of Sharing

In June 2020 we missed the One Great Hour of Sharing missions giving opportunity. If you would still like to give to this American Baptist Church Mission Offering, there are OGH envelopes available on the offering table in the back of the sanctuary or you can mark OGH on any envelope.

One Great Hour of Sharing is one of the American Baptist expressions of relief for those who are in need now, and those that will be in need in the future. It provides an emergency relief available 24/7 for urgent needs brought about by disasters of natural or human origin.

Please prayerfully consider personally giving generously, knowing that your gifts will help both now and in the months and years to come.


The 2020 CROP WALK will be a virtual event. This year each group or congregation will either hold their own mini walk, or decide how is best and safest for their group. Here at DLABC we will be having a mini walk. Our walk will be held after Sunday morning service on Sunday October 25, 2020. We will walk up and down Dorothy Lane and perhaps a bit around the neighborhood. We will carry signs to promote CROP WALK and our church. All who are able and willing can participate. Donations are also always accepted and greatly appreciated. Bring your walking shoes, bring your wallet and come help support this worthwhile cause to help stamp out hunger. Donations can be placed in any envelope and marked “CROP WALK” any Sunday in October

Operation Christmas Child

Our church will participate again this year with the Operation Christmas Child project. Information will be in the literature rack in the main hallway in mid-October. For this project, you fill a shoebox with things that would delight a child, bring it to the church on or before Sunday, November 15th, and it will go to a child who would receive no gifts at Christmas without our efforts in sharing. Please see Bev Scarpelli if you have questions about this project.

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