Ringing in The New Year
At least a few times, most of us have stayed up to ring in the New Year. You may have attended or even hosted parties, played games, danced or sang Auld Lang Syne. One year Janny and I got together with friends and attended a party with a formal dinner and a band hosted in a hotel. It was great and probably the best New Years Eve celebration either of us had ever attended. There was an amazing meal, party favors, blowing horns, silly hats, photos, an incredibly talented band and a fun crowd. We had so much fun until about 12:30 PM when we went to our room. There was a huge spot light outside to illuminate the hotel that shown into the window of our room. And the mattress, though new, was hard as granite. It was like trying to sleep on a pool table. And there was a problem with the bathroom. It was beautifully fitted with a sliding glass door which rolled open; it just wouldn’t stay closed during your shower. Unfortunately for us, the hotel was sold out. We could not change rooms and were too exhausted to drive home. So we suffered through until morning.
I’d like to say that this was the end of the problems. We got together with our friends again at a beautiful quaint and famous restaurant for Valentines Day. This started out well, but due to overcrowding, we were sitting by a drafty window freezing through our meal. And the food looked better on the menu than on our plate. So again we suffered through.
Again I’d like to say this was the end of the problems. But that spring more problems arose.
The year was 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic was in full swing. Like many of you, we and our family members got sick with Covid. As a healthcare provider, Janny was on the front lines of the Covid battle. At times she was exposed and restricted from work even when not sick and forced to take leave without pay. This was all to meet compliance with the changing approaches and protocols intended to protect us all.
Truly, Covid had affected each of us. And though we still grieve the losses of that season something else has arisen. For Janny there came a recognition of the shortage of mental health providers. She could not find timely referrals for her patients. And she responded to God’s call for her to get this certification to add to her Nurse Practitioner degree. After having completed this schooling, Janny accepted a position as a Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Her work life and home life have dramatically improved. She is busy and more content in her job than she had been in previous positions.
God is faithful. Each year brings celebrations and surprises - and some not so good. Ever since 2020, we have thought differently about ringing in the New Year. But we must know that God is with us and for us. Jesus said He will never leave us nor forsake us. Will you trust with me that though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we do not have to live in fear; the Lord is with us.
Love, Pastor Tom
January 2023 Events
New Year’s Day - January 1 Board Meetings - January 8, after church service Men’s Fellowship - January 13, Jimmie’s Ladder 11 at 11:00 am
American Baptist Women’s Ministry
We have no meeting scheduled for January. Thank you to all who donated men & women's socks for Montgomery County Jail. Those will be delivered before the new year. We collected over 30 pairs! Remember to bring in your canceled stamps, and those will be sent to a group who resells them to make money for printing of Spanish Sunday School materials.
Library News – Off the Shelf
On lobby shelves we have books about people! There is some historical fiction about
women of the Bible (Our collection includes over 14 titles). Also, there are books called
Bad Women of the Bible and Very Bad Women of the Bible. We have books about
disciples. One interesting book is called Those Who Met the Master. Biographies are
about presidents (Washington and Reagan). Newsmakers Tom Brokaw, John Glenn, Mike
Wallace and more. We have a copy of The Bishop’s Boys about the Wright Brothers.
There are many more books in the library in the lower level. For children we have Bible
stories, Children of the Bible, and books about those in the Bible. Start the new year learning about people who loved Jesus!
DLABC Men’s Fellowship
The fellowship meeting will be Friday, January 13, 2023 at Jimmie’s Ladder 11 Restaurant, 11 a.m. Jimmie’s Ladder 11 is located at 936 Brown Street, Dayton, OH. If you would like to bring a friend, please do so. If you plan on attending or have any questions, call/text Brad at 1•937•603•2141.
Board of Christian Education We are still looking for an adult Sunday School teacher. If you are interested, please see Susan, Connie, Megan, or Kelly. We are working on updating our preschool curriculum. Additionally, the preschool volunteer schedule for January - May is posted in the Fellowship Hall.
From the Moderator
To help address church needs identified by the Advisory Board, several new funding lines have been added to the church budget that members can donate to.
1. Congregational Assistance. This will be designated to help church members as needed, with unexpected difficulties. This is replacing the old line “Gazebo Fund”, which was filling a similar role however with a less defined description.
2. Maintenance Reserve Fund. Funds donated to this fund will be used as needed, for church home and maintenance costs; e.g. boilers, roofing, air conditioners, electrical, parking lot, etc.. Church repair and service costs can be significant at times, and more than the annual budget line.