American Baptist Women of Dorothy Lane news Some of our decisions made:
We donated $50 for Go Fund Me for Clara Black who is fighting Hodgkin's Leukemia.
We will not have a Christmas Bazaar in November 2024.
We will be exploring other money making projects and ideas to raise money for our mission endeavors.
Thanks to Susan Sinks and Linda Emmons we had a fantastic All Daughter’s Luncheon in June.
We will not schedule a meeting with Ghana missionary Rovaughna Richardson when she visits Ohio in July.
Our new State Scholarship Student is Greg Smith.
Rev. Vincent Harris is still an active Racetrack chaplain for Ohio.
Matthew 25 now owns Camp Kirkwood and individuals can go there to enjoy waterslides and other activities.
The ABWM of Ohio State Project raised $4,573.51 for the National Scholarship Fund for AB GIRLS.
The Ohio 2024-2025 ABWM of Ohio State Project is to raise $9000 for a computer tech program for Deborah House in Tijuana, Mexico.
The Ohio Spiritual Retreat for Ohio will be Sept. 27-28 in Mount Vernon. Jerri has registration forms. Learning Opportunity: Beginning on July 14 there will be a Sunday morning class at 10:00 a.m. studying Applause of Heaven by Max Lucado. As we study the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 we will be surprised with the sacred delight of meeting Christ on the Mountain. We still need several convenors to lead out Sunday morning discussions. We will meet July 14-August 11. Then we will continue after Labor Day September 8-October 6. We will be looking closely at what it means to be “blessed”. Join us and be blessed by this study and discussion with others in our church family.
July Events and Upcoming Events
July 12 Men’s Fellowship, 11 am, Bob Evans on Woodman and Linden
July 13 Fire Pit Fellowship
July 14 Board Meetings
Looking Ahead
Aug. 15-17: Rummage Sale
Aug. 25: Summer Picnic and Worship, Paw Paw Shelter
July Birthday's and Anniversaries
Remember our friends on their special days with a card, text, or phone call.
July 2 Debie Paulin
July 12 Ernie Keucher
July 13 Brian & Jerri Wood
July 16 Michael Wadham and Jeff Perkins
July 23 Tim & Heather Haugan
Thank you to all our volunteers this month!
July Worship Assistant - Megan Farnham
July Greeter - Lois Perry
July 7 Michael W.
July 14 Susan S.
July 21 Brian T.
July 28 TBD
July Refreshments
July 7 Jerri Wood & Tim Haugan
July 14 Board Mtgs. - Trustees
July 21 Megan Farnham & Messert
July 28 Michael Wadham & Pastor Jeff Perkins