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November 2021 Newsletter

And on that day you will say, "Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; make them remember that His name is exalted." Praise the LORD in song, for He has done glorious things; let this be known throughout the earth.

Isaiah 12:4-5

What will you say this Thanksgiving: “What channel is the parade?” “Could you pass the turkey?” “When does the game start?” In our culture, even as Christian families, we have to be very intentional in our observance to God. Many things can crowd faith from our holidays (holy days). As you carve the turkey, remember to carve out the time and attention that God deserves in our gathering.

I love these verses in Isaiah. Even in his day, Isaiah had to intentionally turn people toward God. He was given a plan - on that day you will say. Four instructions followed. We will be wise to do the same.

1) Give thanks to the Lord. Literally thank God in front of your table guests. Ask them to share thanks as well. God deserves the credit.

2) Call on His name. It is natural to acknowledge that we need help in some areas of life. Call on His name for the concerns you have. Present your requests with thanksgiving, knowing that He is good. He is our advocate and our friend.

3) Make known His deeds among the peoples. Here is an opportunity to give some testimony. What did He do this year for you or for someone else? Tell your family and guests.

4) Make them remember that His name is exalted. His name is exalted forever. Not as an MVP in a game, this is a blink in time, a hot second. We are but passing vapor. He is Creator, Redeemer, Comforter. He is eternal. The Lord’s name is I AM - Not I was, I will be. His hold on forever is beyond our comprehension. His name is Jesus. He will save His people from their sins. He will be called Emmanuel – God with us. Acknowledge His presence in your life and at your table. He is the greatest guest you will ever entertain.

With Love Pastor Tom Kehr

I am so glad to be with you at DLABC. You all are part of the list of many thanks I have to offer this Thanksgiving. I wish you the very best and pray for an abundance of peace and blessing in your life.

Annual Christmas Bazaar November 5 and 6th

November 5-6 is the Christmas Bazaar from 9:30-3:00. All proceeds go for our mission projects locally, state, and our international missionaries. We invite ALL who can make items at home to do so and bring in your finished projects by Monday, November 1 so Fellowship Hall can be prepared. All baked goods need to be brought by Thursday November 4. Lunch will be served 11:00-1:00 on Friday and Saturday. Our coordinators for the bazaar are Joyce Kelley, Lois Perry and Judy Teeters. We need bakers, crafters, sellers, servers and buyers!

American Baptist Women’s Ministry

We have several ministries that we need you to help with: Books, Stamps, Socks and Angel Tree.

  • Please bring in your good condition books for Project READ. There is a box for donations in Fellowship Hall. We will take these books to donation bins in the Dayton area. More information about the ministry is on the box. If you would like a flyer, please ask Jerri for a copy.

  • We are also collecting ALL used stamps for Alliance Stamp Ministry. There is a container in Giving Center. We have already sent seven pounds of stamps! They are located in Shell Point Retirement Village in Ft. Myers, Florida. This ministry has been serving since 1972 and in 2018 had donated $1 million for publishing Christian materials in South America (K-12). They now have (at end of Sept. 2021) accumulated another $21,000. They take any stamp; however, they get more for LOVE stamps ($4 a pound) and Christmas stamps ($3 a pound). But we can send all stamps. The volunteers cut them, sort them and prepare for shipping.

  • We will be buying Christmas gifts for 10 children of incarcerated parents in Angel Tree Ministry. You can donate for purchase of gifts by giving $ to ABWM treasurer Judy Teeters.

  • In December we are collecting socks for all ages. These will be given to Dayton Christian Center (children socks) and Montgomery County Jail (adult socks).

On December 16 we will meet at noon at MCL for our Christmas Party. More details next month….but put Dec. 16 on your calendar and Save the Date!

DLABC Transition Plan, Nov 2021 – Welcome to Pastor Tom Kehr as Interim Pastor

The Advisory Board is more than happy to announce that Pastor Tom Kehr has accepted the position of Interim Pastor beginning Oct 3, and continuing for the next 18 months. The church had a light reception after the service on 3 Oct, to celebrate his first Sunday. We are also blessed to have his wife Janny, also being with us. She has much to offer our church family, and together, they will be with us on our walk with Christ.

Pastor Tom has already been providing strong, educational, compelling, and motivating sermons. Several people remarked after the sermon on 17 Oct, how timely and good the message was for them. The 3rd chapter of James was the main text, and describes how challenging ‘the tongue’ can be to potentially cause anger and division personally and in society, and how difficult it can be to control the voice which speaks from the heart. Rev. Tom described his personal experiences with that, and some of the strong personal examples in his life and how to deal with them.

We are very fortunate to have him serving with us, and it will be a blessing to hear his messages and respond individually and as a congregation. He is considering the status of society and the world, and also our church, and his messages can help support and lead us. If you haven’t had a chance to hear his messages, please try to see them on Facebook at the new website.

The following message was written by John Frueauf, for the Oct 3 service.

“Over the last few months, through the Tie Binder newsletter and weekly bulletins, the Advisory board has communicated the steps moving forward for DLABC. Getting to this point of stability in our pulpit leadership may be a time for pause. Thank you to our congregational family; whose feedback, engagement, time and energy helped us get to today. We must thank God for his many blessings on our church and it’s family.

However, our journey has not ended and, actually, just beginning. Each of us need to continue praying for our church, ourselves and the new roles we can play, Pastor Tom and Janny’s leadership and Christ’s illumination of the mission path we must take.

Pastor Tom Kehr is ordained through the American Baptist Churches USA. He is the Chaplain at London Correctional Institution; London OH. His early ministry has been as a pastor in Maine, Pennsylvania and Ohio. He served ten years as a hospice chaplain and bereavement manager in Dayton OH. For the past 6 years, he has been serving as a chaplain for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections. Pastor Tom and Janny live in Vandalia.”

John Frueauf and Tim Haugan


November 5 & 6 Christmas Bazaar 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

November 7 Pledge Sunday

November 21 Annual Church Meeting & carry-in dinner following the worship service

Celebrating our November Birthdays

Lucille Hatfield

Caitlyn Black

Jack Smith

Edmund Sasak

Kyle Green

Brian Sinks

Judy Teeters

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