“Put Love to the Test”
Level 1: It is easy to love those who love you. Do you remember first falling in love? It is fairly easy and based on attraction. Who said I love you first you or your spouse? Maybe you said it but the words were not returned to you. It can be embarrassing. I heard of a couple who was early in their dating. The man was driving and read the gauges on the car. He said out loud, “low fuel”. His girlfriend thought he broke the ice. She replied, “love you too.” When he said, “What???” “I was reading the gas gauge.” she blushed. Needless to say she was embarrassed.
Level 2: It can be harder to love someone over time. We must get past our initial burst of falling in love. This is a deeper love and commitment based on attraction AND on longstanding commitment. In good situations we love and are loved in return. The Bible encourages us to live in mutual submission to one another out of reverence for Christ. We must humble ourselves to do what is helpful and lasting not just follow our emotions or impulses. So we are thankful for God’s help.
Level 3: But Jesus calls us to an outrageous love. It is something we would never do on our own. It goes against every impulse known to humankind. Jesus explains in Matthew 5: 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect(complete/mature), therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect(complete/mature). Now we’re operating in a completely different zone. Not only are we thankful for God’s help, we are failures without Him. I am reminded that Jesus does not ask what we will do for Him. The Lord asks us that He might do things in and through us. Truly, apart from Him we can do nothing.
Paul learned what is was to love at level 3. He wrote to the Romans Chapter 12:17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] says the Lord.
God is more than able to help us accomplish His purpose. We need to call on him now more than ever. I remember how close Americans felt toward one another after 9/11. Over time America has evolved into a nation of hatred and discord. The enemy is having his day. It is time for us to call on the Lord again, to humbly seek Him and turn from our wicked ways. Heaven is awaiting our cry for help. God is the only power able to heal our hurts. He loves us with an everlasting love.
Love you all.
Pastor Tom
Upcoming Events
Sept 16 Hot Dog Roast at the firepit, with Shroyer Road Church, 6 pm start
Oct 14 Men’s Fellowship Lunch (date subject to change)
Oct 15 Church Transition meeting, 9 am
Oct 29 Halloween Party, 5 pm
Christian Ed Corner
Our board has been collecting money for shoes for kids at Southdale Elementary. We were able to purchase 27 new pairs of shoes and 49 pairs of socks, and we will keep collecting as an ongoing outreach opportunity.
This is a note we received from Michelle at Southdale School about the shoes we are taking to them. We also asked if they could use socks.
"Oh my goodness! I am so grateful!!!"
"Socks would be a great idea! I give them away all the time. Again, I cannot thank your church enough!!
Michelle Wise, School Counselor, Southdale Elementary"
Shoes and socks were delivered at the end of August. We will continue to collect money for Shoes for Southdale as this is an ongoing need for the children there.
Sunday school starts in September. We will have a program for the preschool kids. We are working on a program for adults - start date to be announced.
Mark your calendars for October 29th at 5:00pm for our annual Halloween party and pumpkin carving. Supper will be provided, and everyone is welcome.
American Baptist Women’s Ministry
Calling all women!!! You are invited to join in fellowship for our Salad Supper on September 13 at 6:00 p.m. The program is a BABY SHOWER. We will bring unwrapped gifts for Jasmine and Kyle Green’s baby (due in September). Grandmother Susan Sinks will mail the gifts for us to Austin, Texas. You can also find a gift at Amazon and they ship it: Amazon.com/baby-reg/jasmine-barera. For our supper bring a salad to share. Table service, drinks, and dessert will be provided by hostesses Judy Teeters and Beverly Scarpelli.
You can help purchase Christmas presents for children at Dayton Christian Center by signing up on the list on bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. Thanks to Betty Asher who filled most of our school supply requests by the center.
For your information:
We have purchased 10 health kits for Church World Service ($15) each. If you would like to donate to purchase a kit you can give $15 to Judy Teeters.
It is the time of the year when we pay our Church Women United memberships. If you would like to join, please give Jerri Wood $5.00. You receive newsletter and are supporting this movement.
CROP WALK will be Sunday October 9. We will be walking at Shiloh UCC on Philadelphia. Let Jerri know if you want to walk. Donation envelopes will be available later in September. One fourth of all contributions stay in Dayton for the Foodbank. Last year walkers raised more than $11,650.
DLABC MEN’S FELLOWSHIP: The Men’s Fellowship Group is starting up again. Men’s Fellowship Meetings will take place the second Friday of every month at 11:00 a.m. The next fellowship meeting will be Friday, October 9, 2022 at Jimmie’s Ladder 11 restaurant. Jimmie’s is located at 936 Brown St., Dayton, OH. Website: jladder11.com. If you would like to bring a friend, please do so. If you have any questions, call or text Brad at 1-937-603-2141.
Off the Shelf
This month on our lobby book shelves we are highlighting Mitford Years books by Jan Karon. Her first one in 1994 introduced us to lovable Father Timothy Kavanagh in At Home in Mitford. Fourteen books later we have To Be Where You Are in 2017. These will give you a smile and good feeling…even if it is a second read!
We have Home in At Mitford, A Light in the Window, These High Green Hills, Out of Canaan, On This Mountain, Shepards Abiding, Light from Heaven, In Company of Others, Home to Holly Springs, A New Song, Common Life, Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good, Come Rain or Come Shine, To be Where You Are.
Our library in lower level is always open for self-check out!
October is Pastor Appreciation Month
Let us all express appreciation to our pastor during October. Notes and cards of appreciation are appropriate.
Pray for Our P-A-S-T-O-R and His Family
P – Purity. Pray that our pastor will not become hardened, miserable,
or broken in the face of constant pressure in our culture.
A – Adversity. Pray for our pastor to be able to confront problems,
resistance and adversity with faith and endurance.
S – Strength. Pastors work very long hours. Pray for strength to
continue in ministry.
T – Teaching. Pray that our pastor’s teaching and preaching will be effective,
powerful and clear.
O – Organization. Our Pastor has more to do than anyone can handle.
Pray for him to make good decisions and prioritize correctly.
R – Rest. Pray that our pastor will sleep well each night, take enough
time away from ministry and not get worn out.