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The Tie Binder for July and August

Independence: Rights and Responsibilities

Two hundred and forty-six years ago Thomas Jefferson penned these words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Declaration of Independence outlined key and founding principles which helped our nation escape the tyranny of the British King. Declaring the independence of the colonies was a monumental step toward the dreams of our nation. It set the path for freedoms we might take for granted. I am so thankful that God has allowed for me to be born in this nation. I try to be mindful of the sacrifices and the lives laid down to make our freedom possible. Just as many men and women have paid the ultimate price to ensure and preserve those freedoms and dreams, so too Christ has paid the price for our eternal peace and freedom. “For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.” I Peter 3:18

From birth, Americans are taught their freedoms and rights. And as followers of Jesus, we learn our Christian birthrights: access to God in prayer, forgiveness for a past that does not honor Him, His presence and peace available to us now, His plans and eternal life secured for our future. God provides the meaning and purpose. He calls us to share in His work and He offers wisdom for that task without finding fault.

In our holidays and celebrations, we need reminders. Here are a few:

“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required” Luke 12:48 Even Spiderman reminds us of an ancient adage, “With great power comes great responsibility”.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

“…what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

My prayer is that God will use these reminders to help us take in the bigger picture. Our focus on injustice helps us fight for a worthy cause but can result in tunnel vision. We become acutely aware of situations that inspire movements, riots and just wars but are often blind to our own indifference to human suffering. The Declaration of Independence launched a just war ensuring the freedom of the colonies. But it did not immediately set free the enslaved Black Americans. Nor did it cultivate a respectful treatment of Native Americans. As we come to terms with our history, let us not tear down our founding Fathers nor exalt them as gods. We need to be thankful for their accomplishments and learn from their mistakes. Let us remember that all human beings fall short of God’s standard of justice and righteousness ... including those who post their causes on social media. We should not be self-righteous seeing specks in others’ eyes while beams are in our own. We have not evolved into better human beings. It is surprising how easily our peers are inspired to storm the capital or to burn down their cities for the sake of their cause. “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 14:12

Let’s honor our history and our God. We have inherited both rights and responsibilities. Let’s call on the One who sees ALL to improve our vision and to brighten our blind spots. With a thankful heart for every blessing, we ask for God’s wisdom to surrender our free will to serve His perfect will and purpose.

Pastor Tom


Christian Ed Corner

Blessing of the Backpacks

On August 14th, we will have our annual Blessing of the Backpacks during church. Students and teachers are encouraged to bring their backpacks on this special day.

Southdale Elementary

Instead of our Back to School carnival, this year, we reached out to Southdale Elementary to find their needs. They informed us of a need for athletic shoes. Our board is continuing to look into ways that we can help Southdale acquire shoes for students.


The preschool/nursery is continuing through the summer. During the summer months, kids may play outside. If you prefer your child to stay inside, let the teacher know. Also, parents, make sure to leave your phone number with the teacher for easy contact during the service if needed. Please be aware of any texts you may receive while your child is in attendance. And teachers, remember to take your phone with you. If you are interested in volunteering in the preschool, please reach out to one of our board members. Thanks.

Looking Ahead

Oct. 29 - Halloween Party

If you have ideas or suggestions for this board, please tell any board member, Megan Farnham, Lori Frueauf, Kelly Medina, Connie Sinks or Susan Sinks. Please pray for God’s guidance as we reach out to share his love.


Trustees’ report for May and June, 2022

The trustees are responsible for the business and finances of the church, to pay for the bills, manage staff, and other duties. Some tasks of the trustees in the months of June and July are provided here.

  • The board accomplished repairs and service for the DLABC air conditioners (4 units total) during the week of Jun 12-19.

  • In reviewing the trustees reports in May and June, it was found the expenses for gas as of May 2022 is $2978.06, and already over the budget plan of $2,700 for the entire year of 2022. Much of the church gas for the year was consumed in the months of Jan to May. However the costs are already high for the year. The board will be reviewing the useage and billing records to find out the causes, and if mitigating solutions are possible. Similarly, it was noted at the monthly Advisory meetings that electric charges for everyone in the Dayton area are going up 50% to 100%, and the AES company is increasing everyone about 100%. However; so far this year DLABC is on track for the annual budget plan with $888.08 spent as of May 2022, for the annual budget of $2200.

  • The board is aware that electronic messaging board simply doesn’t work when the air temperature gets hot. As expected, around 3 Jul it was seen the bulletin was frozen without any messaging. However when the air temperature reduced, the messaging board worked fine on Sunday July 9.

  • An outdoor workday was organized and held on 14 May, for the hours of ~ 9 am to noon. Donuts from Bill’s donuts and orange-juice/milk was generously provided by Brad Jordan. Most of the mulch on the front and side of the church was achieved, using 2 yards of premium oak mulch from Philips Sand and Gravel; cost ~ $43. Weeding around the church and along the south edge of the parking lot. About 7 or 8 church members were able to participate. Brad and Tim still have a plan to do a final load of mulch, and some bush trimming is still needed. Brad is trying to coordinate with the lawn mowing company, to do Round-up treatments after mowing.

  • There are problems with the sound system, that will be addressed in the month of July.


American Baptist Women’s Ministry

We met for a delightful picnic at home of Joyce Kelley in June. It was decided

  • donate $100 to Church World Service for health kits

  • sponsor 10 children in Angel Tree Ministry

  • donate $200 for Shoes for Southdale students

  • host a CWU celebration in 2023

We will hold a planning meeting for 2022-2023 following the August 16 crafts meeting at Marions in Town and Country at noon. Bring ideas for new projects.

Our September meeting will include a baby shower for Kyle and Jasmine Green. Bring a gift unwrapped and grandmother to be Susan Sinks will collect them for the Austin, TX family. Baby is due in September.

At June 6 2022 Church Women United Human Rights Day, the recipient was Miami Valley Meals (MVM). This group was formerly called Set the Banquet Table. It recovers and transforms donated food into meals which are distributed through a network of nonprofit partner organizations that feed the hungry. This two year old group has a staff of 17. Since March 2020, 350,000 meals were prepared. Approximately 4000 meals a week are served with St. Vincent Homeless Shelter and Catholic Services receiving many of the meals.


Moderator Report July

It is wonderful and inspiring to see the church running so smoothly this year, both with the church business and also spiritual health. We are very much thankful to Interim Pastor Tom Kehr, who is leading the church now in many ways. And also to his wife Janny for her support and leadership. Also many thanks to the monthly worship assistants, who are leading many aspects of the service and prayers each week. I find all of the Sunday worship services and sermons very inspiring every week in different ways, and encourages me to discuss and share about DLABC and the Christian kingdom with those I know. As a way to further support your spiritual development and strength, I would encourage everyone to consider reviewing some of the services on the new DLABC website; And it’s a good way to share about DLABC to someone new.

Tim Haugan, Moderator


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