Contrary to popular belief, this is a great month ... a Month of Blessing
February is a short month with a great deal of meaning. Beyond the celebration of Valentines Day, February is a month of hope. Too often people see the winter holidays and months as a series of disappointing events. The sunlight is scarce. We miss our loved ones, we grieve, and we get cabin fever. Keep in mind that though weather may be difficult and the holidays seem to be gone, there is more to February than meets the casual observation.
We are currently in the church year season of Epiphany which is the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi. This means we are celebrating that God saw fit to bring into His family those of us who were not Jewish. This is great news, a great realization, an epiphany. An epiphany is a sudden grasp of the meaning of something. It is good news. Our epiphany is that God loves us and not just the Jews. Remember that He loves you – each of us individually. That is actually a better celebration than Valentine's Day. Unlike the red roses and candy, God’s expression of love lasts forever.
This February we move from Epiphany into Lent on the 22nd. Lent is defined as a 40-day season of 1) prayer, 2) fasting, and 3) almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It is a time we set aside each year to remember the love of God that is poured out through Christ Jesus on the cross in His death; and His defeat of death, sin and Satan in Christ's death and resurrection that brings Eternal Life to you and me.
My prayer is that we focus on the positive celebrations. 1) We can pray with thanksgiving resting in the hope that our God is present. He will sustain us through the winters of life. He has good things in store. 2) As we fast, we can give recognition to His provisions of blessing and overflow. 3) This spirit of gratitude will launch our giving of alms – goods and money for the less fortunate. And our giving will lead to our blessings. Jesus taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive. We begin this process of giving and receiving blessings this month.
Something else I did not realize is that the term “lent” comes from the Anglo Saxon word “lencten” which refers to the lengthening days of Spring. Often we don’t think about it. But right now our daylight is lengthening; each day there are a few more minutes of light. Woo Hoo!! I love the sunlight. Just changing my thoughts on this helps me see that February looks a little brighter and better than I had known.
Friends be blessed. Pastor Tom
American Baptist Women’s Ministry
Thanks to all who donated socks for the Montgomery County Jail. Over 30 pairs of socks were taken to the facility in Dayton.
Our February 14 meeting will be at 10 Wilmington Place. We will gather to celebrate with Connie Cole for her birthday . We will meet in the lobby at 11:00 a.m. and have lunch (cost is $9.00) with her. Please make a lunch reservation with Pat Trent if you are coming also please bring a small birthday gift or card for Connie. She has served as a state, association and local ABWM member for years. For many years she attended our DLABC bazaar and other functions. Joyce Kelley will give a devotional. Pat Trent is our coordinator for the day. If you can not attend, she would appreciate cards.
During February we will be taking the Blanket Sunday Offering. This year’s theme verse is “And don’t forget to do good and share with those in need” Hebrews 13:16. Envelopes for giving will be in your bulletin on February 12. We can help “Blanket the World in love” with Church World Service with your contribution. $10 provides for a blanket for a person in need. New this year is that you can donate in honor of someone (a great Valentine’s Day gift). Acknowledgement cards are available from an usher. Thank you.
Date change: In April we will be meeting on April 5 and not the 4th when Janny Kehr will bring us the program.
DLABC Men’s Fellowship The fellowship meeting will be Friday, February 10, 2023 at Jimmie’s Ladder #11 Restaurant, 11 a.m. Jimmie’s Ladder #11 is located at 936 Brown Street, Dayton, OH. If you would like to bring a friend, please do so. If you plan on attending or have any questions, call/text Brad at 1•937•603•2141.
Board of Christian Education Sunday School Updates We ordered a new preschool curriculum for Children’s Sunday School. We are also working on developing a Bible Study for Adult Sunday School that can be self-guided.
Looking Forward On February 25 at 3:00 pm, we will host a Game Afternoon. Bring your favorite game and a friend for fun and fellowship! Mark your calendars for our annual Easter Egg Hunt - April 1st at 1:30.
Game Day, Saturday February 25 at 3:00 pm
Come join us for a fun-filled afternoon of board games, group games, and Christian fellowship with family and friends. Food and snacks will be provided. Amy has some fun games planned that are sure to bring laughter and enjoyment. This is a great opportunity to invite friends or neighbors for a great afternoon.
February Events
Feb. 3 - Advisory Meeting - 5:30 pm
Feb. 10 - Men’s Fellowship - 11 am at Jimmy’s Ladder 11 Feb. 12 - Board Meetings - after church
Feb. 25 - Game Afternoon - 3:00 pm Feb. 29 - Voice and Instrument Ensemble Practice - after church
From the Moderator
Do you have any wishes for DLABC, from small to very large? If you would like to share them, please contact Tim Haugan at, or call/text to 406-250-2458. Who knows – dreams and wishes sometimes can come true. And our heavenly father always hears our prayers and concerns.
From several of the very lively and passionate church advisor meetings and inputs of Congregation members, some wishes expressed by congregation members include the following.
Expand building
Add some kind of small maintenance building to store outdoor maintenance equipment; e.g. a riding mower
Move kitchen so it is connected to the Fellowship room
Dishwasher for kitchen, so more church dishware can be used
Add solar panels on the flat roof, enough so that church electric and heating bills can be eliminated
Build new safe access to the roof with inside from inside the church, to allow lower risk maintenance and repair of roof and air-conditioning and heat units
Add the gazebo to back yard
Update all air-conditioning/heating units, for greater efficiency and lower maintenance costs
Send out regular pamphlets to surrounding neighborhoods, to increase church outreach. Advertise the many church events, and consider specific events to meet community needs; e.g. education, regular dinner events with movies, other..
Monthly Giving A summary of giving to Operational and Designated funds, is given below, for November and December. It is wonderful to see the special generosity of church members for giving to so many Designated funds.
My Prayer Lord, don’t let me leave by coat at church
I will need it when I go. I am so lax, so careless: I forget But, out there it’s raining so. Lord, don’t let me leave my coat at church
I must fasten it up tight, I must not err, nor falter; I mess up
And, it will warm me in the night.
Lord don’t let me leave my coat at church.
You know I need it much I want to feel it on my back
Luxuriate in its touch I want to pull it close to me And belt it round my frame I want the weight to steady me I need the warmth to feel. I need protection all my days. It will make my life more real My coat – His gracious spirit— I must not leave it here. I need my wrap; I’ll take it I’ll wear it without fear.
Written on October 27, 1985 By Janet Barnhill Mayo
Church Website and Donate Button
For more information and postings about DLABC, don’t forget to go to the church Website at Also if you would like to donate online, look for the “GIVE” button on the right hand side. The button will lead you to where you can donate immediately by Paypal.
Online Sermons In case you are not aware, most all sermons are being recorded and are available online now on YouTube and Facebook. Search for Dorothy Lane American Baptist Church.