August Events
Aug. 9 Men’s Fellowship, Bob Evans @Woodman and Linden, 11 am
Aug. 9 Firepit Fellowship, 6 pm
Aug. 11 Blessing of the Backpacks
Aug. 11 Board Mtgs (Carry in Lunch)
Aug. 15-17 Rummage Sale 9am -4pm Thursday and Friday, Saturday 9am-Noon
Aug. 20 Dayton Dragons Game
Aug. 25 Summer Picnic and Worship,Paw Paw Shelter. Worship starts at 11 am, picnic immediatly following service. Bring a dish to share. Meat and beverages are provided. All are welcome.
Mark Your Calendar - Up Coming Events
Sept. 8 Adult Sunday School Resumes at 10 am
Sept. 8 Kid's Connection Begins (during Worship)
Sept. 20 Firepit Fellowship at 6 pm
Oct. 26 Trunk or Treat at 5 pm
Adult Sunday School
Our study of Applause of Heaven will continue on August 4 and August 11. Pastor Jeff will lead us in chapter 7-8 on the 4th and chapter 9-10 on August 11. Then we will take a break until September 8. You do not have to read prior chapters, just come with an open mind and desire to learn more about Christ's teachings in Matthew 5.
Check out the Library!
Library selection upstairs will continue to be some of our one of a kind books. Check them out!
Christian Education
We are preparing a new Kids’ Connection unit for our children’s Sunday school. This unit connects lessons from the Bible to picture books and has small, easy to teach lessons. Please see a member from our board if you are interested in teaching! All the lessons will be prepared and easy to follow.
Blessing of the Backpacks is Sunday August 11th. Bring your student, your backpack (or other school supply) and be ready to encourage the students in our congregation as they begin this school year.
Looking ahead, we are planning a Trunk or Treat on October 26th at 5:00 PM. The congregation can pass out candy from the trunk of your car to provide a safe place for kids to trick or treat. Some people like to decorate their trunks, but you don’t have to. There will be other foods and possibly games and a campfire as well.
August Birthdays
Aug. 1 Bill Emmons
Aug. 10 Barbara Baker
Aug. 14 Roland Gard
Aug. 18 Brian Thompson
Aug. 27 Megan Farnham
Aug. 28 Faustine Simmons
Aug. 28 Debbie Good
Aug. 31 Paul Osborne
Aug. 31 Rev. Bill Salyers
August Anniversaries
Aug. 16 Joel & Susan Sinks
Aug. 26 Michael & Barbara Baker
August Worship Assistant - Joyce
August Greeter - Judy T.
Aug. 4 Brian T.
Aug. 11 Michael W.
Aug. 18 Susan S.
Aug. 25 Brian T.
August Refreshments
Aug. 4 Susan & Connie S.
Aug.11 Board Mtg. (Carry-in)
Aug. 18 Joyce K. & Linda E.
Aug. 25 Summer Picnic (Carry-in)