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February 2024 Tie Binder Newsletter

“Forget about the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. - Isaiah 43;18 - 19

Do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! As you begin a fresh year, rejoice that I am continually working newness into your life. Don’t let recent disappointments and failures define you or dampen your expectations. This is the time to make a fresh start! I am a God of unlimited creativity; expect Me to do surprising things in the year that stretches out before you.

Today is a precious gift. The present moment is where I meet with you, beloved. So seek My Face throughout this day that I have made. I have carefully prepared it for you -- with tender attention to every detail. I want you to rejoice and be glad in it.

Search for signs of My loving Presences as you journey along the path of Life. Look for the little pressures I have strewn alongside your pathway -- sometimes in surprising places -- and thank Me for each one. Your thankfulness will keep you close to Me and help you find Joy in your journey.

- Sara Young, from Jesus Calling for Christmas


February Events

Feb 8 ABW Valentines Program at 10:00 am

Feb. 10 All Church Planning Retreat, 10-2 PM, at Pastor Jeff and Michael’s home.

Feb. 11 Blanket Sunday

Feb. 18 Last class for Adult Sunday School

Feb. 25 11:00 Donuts and Coffee

11:30 Installation Service for Rev. Jeff Perkins

12:30 Carry-in Luncheon. Meat, drinks and dessert will be provided.


American Baptist Women’s Ministry At Dorothy Lane

At our February 8, 10:00 a.m. meeting in Fellowship Hall our program is “Celebration of Love”. Gayle Jordan will provide our devotional. Betty Asher and Jerri Wood are hostesses. Judy Teeters is coordinator for the month. Our program will be provided by Amy Thompson. We will be using her scrapbook materials to create Valentine cards for our homebound members. Each person can also make one additional for whomever they choose. Following our meeting and creative time, we will be going out for lunch. All are invited to join in. Bring your own scissors.

Special note: If weather is questionable, we will meet unless Kettering Schools are on delay or closed.

Needed!! Linda Berger provided some of our members a copy of her mom’s book Janet’s Journey. If you are finished reading the book, we are looking for a copy for the DLABC Library. Thanks!

Remember to keep collecting: used postage stamps, old print cartridges, eyeglasses, soda flip tabs and books. All will be donated to those collecting these items in the area. Please place them in the “Giving Center”.

Early warning: The Church Women United Emma Murray Prayer Breakfast will be held March 12, 9:30 a.m. at Christ United Methodist Church. Cost is $10.00 and reservations are needed to Jerri by March 4.

Also in March, we will visit Montgomery Co. Environment Learning Center to learn about recycling. We will meet at DLABC at 10:00 a.m. After our tour we will be dining out together.


Caring for those in need – Matthew 25:35-40

Imagining what’s possible through your compassion doesn’t stop when neighbors receive a warm blanket. The possibilities are endless and include prayer too!

Here are three ways you can keep our most vulnerable neighbors in your prayers:

  • God of promises, you remind us that you are present with all your people, including those who call the outdoors home or people who are living in a temporary shelter.

  • God of warmth, you are with our neighbors who are cold and need comfort.

  • God of hope and promises, the blankets and kits we offer today represent our compassion for our neighbors, acknowledging that we first received this love from God.

We pray by sending these blankets and kits that God’s grace will spread far and wide. We will be taking the Church World Service Blanket Sunday Offering on Sunday February 11, 2024.


Christian Education

We are grateful to Brian and Jerri Wood for leading the adult Sunday School class over The Art of Forgiving. This class begins at 10:00 and will continue through February 18th.

The Kids’ Connection unit is currently over the 7 Days of Creation. If you are interested in teaching the sign up sheet is in the Fellowship Hall.


DLABC Men’s Fellowship

The men’s fellowship meeting will be Friday February 9, 11:00 AM at Bob Evans on Dorothy Lane. No reservation is needed. Join us on your lunch hour.


February Birthdays

Remembering our friends on their special day. Drop them a card, send them a text, or give them a call.

1 Tom Smith

3 Madaline Greenwood

5 Elmer Smith

5 Brian Wood

11 Amy Thompson

11 Michael Baker

14 Rebecca Lundberg

20 Steve Horn

25 Betty Harman


Thank You to all Our Hardworking Volunteers!

Kids’ Connection Schedule

Feb. 4 Mo Horn

Feb. 11 Brian Sinks

Feb. 18 Mo Horn

Feb. 25 Susan Sinks

February Worship Assistant - Megan Farnham

February Greeter - Linda Emmons

February Refreshments

4 Megan Farnham & Messert & Kalati

11 Worship Board

18 Roland, Edmund, Tim

25 Amy Thompson & Jerri Wood

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