"Why is your Newsletter called the Tie Binder?"
Many years ago the name "The Tie Binder" was picked because one of our favorite hymns that we sing following Communion is "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." We join hands and form a circle around the sanctuary and all sing together.
The lyrics are:
Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.
Before our Father's throne we pour our ardent prayers;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, our comforts and our cares.
When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.
The Tie Binder is one of the ways we stay "joined in heart" with our members and friends. Our hearts and lives are bound together in Christian Love.
September Events
Sept. 11 Adult Sunday School resumes at 10 am
Kids’ Connection starts at 11 am
Board Meetings and Carry in Lunch
Sept. 13 Men’s Fellowship, Bob Evans @Woodman and Linden, 11 am
Sept. 20 Firepit Fellowship, 6pm
Upcoming Events
Saturday Oct. 5 Blessing of the Pets, 10-2
Saturday Oct. 26 Trunk or Treat, 5 pm
Our women will begin their new year on Thursday, September 19 with a Salad Supper.It will be at 6:00 p.m. Joyce Kelley will be our hostess. Please bring a dish to share. Plans for the year will be presented. Jerri Wood will provide devotions. We will have a kitchen shower so please bring an item for our kitchen (paper towels, coffee, napkins, etc.)
It is not too late to join Church Women United. See Jerri Wood for membership form. Dues are $5.00.
Donations for Dayton Christian Center
Please sign up on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall for what you can donate.
Christmas Gifts (due by Dec. 1) toy car, doll, game, toy, 2 Bibles, 1 packages first class postage stamps
Disposables: 4 pkg. cups, 4 pkg. plates, 3 pkg. of plastic forks, spoons and knives,
ziploc sandwich bags
Recreation needs: one basketball , one football
Toiletries: diapers, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, deodorant, towel,
Handmade: 2 pairs of mittens, 2 scarves, 1 quilt or comforter
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
Christian Education
Kids Connection starts again on Sunday Sept. 8th. Please see someone from our board if you are interested in teaching.
Adult Sunday School Book Study: The Applause of Heaven resumes Sunday September 8th at 10 am.
Start thinking about our Trunk or Treat! This will be on October 26th at 5:00 PM. The congregation can pass out candy from the trunk of your car to provide a safe place for kids to trick or treat. Some people like to decorate their trunks, but you don’t have to. We will have a fire and other foods as well!
September Birthdays
Please remember those celebrating birthdays this month with a card, text, or phone call.
Sept. 18 Elizabeth Durig
Sept. 18 Kelly Medina
Sept. 19 Linda Emmons
Thank You to our Volunteers this month
September Worship Assistant - Linda Emmons
September Greeter - Connie S.
Sept. 1 Susan S.
Sept. 8 Michael W.
Sept. 15 Brian T.
Sept. 22 Susan S.
Sept. 29 Michael W.
September Refreshments
Sept. 1 Jerri Wood & Tim Haugan
Sept. 11 Board Meetings - Carry in lunch
Sept. 18 Joyce Kelly & Linda Emmons
Sept. 22 Megan Farnham & Messert
Sept. 29 Susan Sinks & Connie Sinks
September Events
Sept. 11 Adult Sunday School resumes at 10 am
Kids’ Connection starts at 11 am
Board Meetings and Carry in Lunch
Sept. 13 Men’s Fellowship, Bob Evans @Woodman and Linden, 11 am
Sept. 20 Firepit Fellowship, 6pm
Upcoming Events
Saturday Oct. 5 Blessing of the Pets, 10-2
Saturday Oct. 26 Trunk or Treat, 5pm