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The Tie Binder, January 2024

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Have a Happy New Year!

From your friends at Dorothy Lane American Baptist Church

Library News

In the Lobby Library beginning in January will be fictional books for winter reading.....Quilt series books, Amish women books, and other fictional books.

Christian Education

A new Sunday School class will begin in January for six weeks (January 14-Feb. 18) We will be studying The Art of Forgiving by Lewis Smedes. A limited number of books will be available on January 7 at no cost. The lesson will be taught by Brian and Jerri Wood.

DLABC Men’s Fellowship

The men’s fellowship meeting will be Friday, January 12, 11:00 AM at Bob Evans on Dorothy Lane.

Thank you!

Thanks to all who donated hats, scarves, gloves and socks for Dayton Christian Center. Those items have been delivered.

A Note from Jack

A heartfelt Thank You to the American Baptist Women and the Church for the generous gifts at Christmas. Much appreciated. Best wishes for the New Year and see you in church!


A Note from Steve

To the folks at Dorothy Lane Baptist: Thank you for all of your gifts and cards during this Christmas season. I appreciate all of kindness always!

Custodian, Steve Boggs

January Birthdays

Jan. 10 Carl Paulin

Jan. 21 Abigail

Jan. 26  Janet Mayo

Jan. 27  Joshua Farnham

Jan. 28  Steve Boggs

Kids’ Connection Schedule

Jan. 7 Connie Sinks

Jan. 14 Megan Farnham

Jan. 21 Susan Sinks

Jan. 28 Need Volunteer

January Worship Assistant - Amy Thompson

January Greeter - Connie Sinks


Jan. 7 Susan Sinks

Jan. 14 Need Volunteer

Jan. 21 Need Volunteer

Jan. 28 Need Volunteer

January Refreshments

Jan. 7 Joyce Kelley & Linda Emmons

Jan. 14 Board Mtgs - Christian Ed

Jan. 21 Bev Scarpelli & Judy Teeters

Jan. 28 Susan Sinks & Connie Sinks


Jan. 12 Men’s Fellowship at Bob Evans, 11 AM

Jan. 14 Board Meetings

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