What's Happening in October?
October 13, 2024 CROP Walk in Dayton, Ohio will be held. You can designate funds and place them in the offering plate or special CROP Walk envelopes. Checks should be made out to Church World Service\CROP. For more information contact our CROP Walk representative Ernie Keucher.
CROP Hunger Walk began in 1969 and includes walkers of all ages, faiths and backgrounds in more than 500 communities throughout the US. One fourth of funds raised here in Dayton will go to support the Dayton Food Bank. CROP Hunger Walks transform communities by helping provide nutritious food, clean water and healthy children.
You can walk and collect supporters or make a donation. The Dayton Walk will be October 13 and begin at 1:00 p.m. at Shiloh Church at Main and Philadelphia. You can also donate or get friends and family to donate online at https:crophungerwalk.org.
You can register on the Dorothy Lane team at that site. Last year $10,516 was raised locally. Our DLABC goal is $300. Thanks for your support.
Women’s Work at DLABC
Women of DLABC will meet at 10:00 a.m. on October 17 in Fellowship Hall. We will be creating crafts to donate at Christmas to others. Please bring disposables (Plates, forks, spoons, napkins, etc.) for Dayton Christian Center. Flo Smith-Heizer will share devotions. Women will go out to lunch following the program. Remember our Christmas project is to donate socks (adult white socks to Montgomery County jail and children's socks to Southdale School).
Church Women United will meet on Saturday, October 26 at 10:00 a.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church for Human Rights/World Community Day Celebrations. There will be carpooling from DLABC at 9:30 that day.
Christian Education
Our first Trunk or Treat will be on October 26th from 5-7 PM. This event will be in collaboration with Kettering Ohio Pride Coalition. The congregation can pass out candy from the trunk of your car to provide a safe place for kids to trick or treat. Some people like to decorate their trunks, but you don’t have to. We will have a fire and food as well! Please come support our church in this event.
Men's Fellowship will be meeting at Bob Evans on Woodman and Linden Ave at 11 am on October 11. All men are invited to attend.
October Birthdays
We have lots of birthays in October! Send a card or text, or call to let our friends know you are thinking of them on their special day.
Oct. 2 Â Lois Perry
Oct. 3 Â Tim Haugan, Betty Asher
Oct. 8 Heather Haugan
Oct. 10 Meseret Wodaj
Oct. 13 Rev. Dr. Karen Johnson
Oct. 17 Â Mary Jane Salyers
Oct. 18 Â Nathan Horn
Oct. 20 Â Matthew Green
Oct. 21 Â Alex Harman
Oct. 26 Â Lois deVcelle
Oct. 27 Â Joyce Kelley
From the Nominating Committee
As the New Year approaches, we are putting together the proposed boards and committees for 2025. If you are interested in joining a board at DLABC, please see Connie Sinks, or Tim Haugan. The boards we have include: Diaconate Worship, Diaconate Missions and Caring, Christian Education, and the board of Trustees.
2024 Budget Update
A summary of the 2024 budget is provided below, with recent monthly and YTD totals for giving and expenses. Income is not matching expenses very well this year, as of 31 August.
October Volunteers
October Worship Assistant - Megan Farnham
October Greeter - Susan Sinks
Oct. 6 Brian Thompson
Oct. 13 Susan Sinks
Oct. 20
Oct. 27 Michael Wadham
October Refreshments
Oct. 6 Amy Thompson & Judy Teeters
Oct. 13 Carry in - Worship Board Set up/Clean up
Oct. 20 Michael Wadham & Pastor Jeff Perkins
Oct. 27 Susan Sinks & Connie Sinks