Transition Plan update: Interim Pastor Tom Kehr tentative to start 3 October (pending contract)
The Advisory Board continued to meet and work on the Transition Plan in September, by communicating with Rev. Tom Kehr about his interest to serve as Interim Pastor. The board is seeking someone to serve for an 18 month period. And the annual salary to be offered will be $24,000, which would provide roughly 1/3 part-time effort, as the minimum salary for a full-time pastor recommended by ABC Ohio is $75,000 per year.
John Frueauf was serving as a lead to develop an Interim Pastor Agreement, by using inputs from a church questionnaire about church missions, board members, Rev. Tom Kehr and also Rev. Mark Click who is the ABC Ohio Regional Director. Rev. Click provided some excellent guidance and statements for the agreement, and the list of Ministry priorities from the Agreement for Rev. Tom is provided below.
Ministry priorities
The Pastor has specific gifts and abilities. The Pastor shall work with the Church in identifying opportunities and needs to minister and together, once identified, work to achieve.
Provide basic pastoral activities of preaching, administrative and pastoral care to stabilize the congregation.
Lead the Sunday Worship Service. Work with the Worship board and Music Director on the service structure to provide a weekly spiritual experience and meaningful message.
Organize and equip the congregation to do ministry.
Train and encourage leaders in our church.
Guide the congregation thru a self-study of their capacity and needs, so that they can begin envisioning the pastoral ministry options/approaches for the future.
Train pastoral care beyond the Caring board. (Share experiences from Hospice, Healthcare and Stephens ministry). Within time restraints visit shut-ins and those hospitalized.
Define needs of the Church staff.
Determine what material they may want to provide for weekly bulletins and monthly/bi-monthly newsletter.
Either attend or provide discussion points for the Advisory board meeting. Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month. Typically, board meetings are held prior to the Advisory meeting and attending any of those is welcome. Based on Pastor’s availability and desire to attend, individual board meetings can be moved to another date.
Pastor may use church retreats to grow Christian faith and ministry. Also, Pastor may use other events and outings to celebrate our faith.
The Interim Pastor Agreement is under final stages of consideration, and is expected to be signed by Sept 26 by DLABC board members and Rev. Kehr. And if this occurs, a very warm welcome reception is scheduled for the coffee hour at church on Sunday Oct 3. The Advisory Board is more than happy to have Rev. Kehr serve as Interim Pastor, and we very much welcome his wife Janny also to the church who is planning to help in leadership roles.
From the Caring/Missions Board
Amy Thompson
By your faithful donations to the Fellowship Fund, we were able to help when the request was sent by ABC Ohio for donations to fund their “Pastor’s Emergency Fund”. We were able to send $100.00 to this worthwhile fund which assists ABC/Ohio clergy during times of financial need in a variety of emergency situations (medical emergencies, family crisis, auto repairs, counseling, etc.). The fund is sustained entirely through financial support from ABC/Ohio congregations. Thank you!
If you are reading this and haven’t attended services recently, please know that you are missed! We know that at times it seems the whole world has gone crazy (especially over the past year and a half because of a global pandemic), but we here at DLABC want you to know that we care and will continue to be here to support you in any way that we are able. For those who maybe don’t feel comfortable returning just yet to live services, it’s okay. Until you are able to join us for live services, we hope you are able to join us weekly on Facebook Live (streamed live every Sunday at 11am or available after that on our Facebook page) or on YouTube (search Dorothy Lane American Baptist Church). And please remember that you are loved – and missed!
Trustees’ Report
We had a very successful workday in September. Thank you to everyone who helped that day. Our focus was on the outside landscaping. Bushes were trimmed, weeds pulled, mulch laid, and yard tree debris collected and prepared for a fall fire!!
We are having the boiler for the Fellowship Hall section of the building repaired for a leak. Korrect Plumbing estimate was $800.
Wilson Electronic Display is providing a training session for posting messages on the church sign. Brad Jordan and Amy Thompson are attending. Anyone else interested on learning this program is welcome.
Thanks to Brian Thompson for building the firepit used for the Outdoor service and luncheon this summer. We look forward to a Fall evening outdoors.
Christian Ed Corner
Back to School-Thanks to all who donated to the Back to School Fund. A total of $837 was collected. Each school will receive $400 leaving a balance of $37 to begin next year’s Back to School Event. Your donation blesses children in our community.
Preschool/Nursery-Bring your child to Preschool/Nursery at 11:00 on Sunday. The class starts in the Preschool room, formerly the Kindergarten room, with a short Bible story and craft or activity and ends in the Nursery room. We have a lot of fun! Hope to see you there! (Please leave your cell phone number with the teacher.)
Adult Classes-Adult Sunday school classes led by Jerri Wood continue at 9:30 with the study of Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado. This study will continue through October 17.
We are looking for material for the adult classes that will follow this study. If you have a book, materials or an idea, please let Megan Farnham, Connie or Susan Sinks or Lori Frueauf know. Also, if you are interested in leading a class or two and feel God calling you to do so, just let us know.
Halloween Fun
(Bring Your Own Pumpkin)
When: Friday, October 29
Time: 5:30- 7:30
Where: Firepit and Fellowship Hall
What: Dinner-Hot dog roast, chips, Veggies, S’Mores, Spooky Punch
Pumpkin Decorating/Carving Contest
Pumpkin Game
Wear a Costume
Why: For fellowship and fun!
Wishing You A Happy Birthday
Lois Perry
Tim Haugan
Betty Asher
Heather Haugan
Meseret Wodaj
Rev. Dr. Karen Johnson
Mary Jane Salyers
Nathan Horn
Matthew Green
Alex Harman
Lois deVcelle
Joyce Kelley
October EVENTS
October 3 Stewardship Committee Meeting after church
October 3 CROP WALK 2021
October 10 Board Meetings
October 28 ABWM meeting 9:30 a.m.
October 29 Halloween Party 5:30-7:30 p.m.
On October 3 we invite anyone who wants to walk for CROP this year to bring your walking shoes! We will walk on Dorothy Lane with our posters and signs following worship.
There will be envelopes for anyone who would like to make a donation available on October 3 and 10. You can mail a donation or donate online on the DLABC site. 25% of all donations go to Dayton Foodbank to help locally with hunger. The remaining part goes to Church World Service CROP for projects nationally and internationally to help the hungry.
PLEASE consider Giving. All donations need to be turned in by October 17. Thank you for CARING. Donations can be made through our Give Tab on the website.
ABWM of Dorothy Lane
Our October meeting will be a “working” meeting. We will meet at 9:30 on Thursday, October 28 to make candies and other goodies for the ABWM Christmas Bazaar. No skill is needed but we need YOU to help. Judy Teeters is our Coordinator for the meeting. She will provide recipes and ingredients. Our Bible book of the month is Joshua.
November 5-6 is the Christmas Bazaar from 9:30-3:00. All proceeds go for our mission projects locally, state, and our international missionaries. We invite ALL who can make items at home to do so and bring in your finished projects by Monday, November 1 so Fellowship Hall can be prepared. All baked goods need to be brought by Thursday November 4. Lunch will be served 11:00-1:00. Our coordinators for the bazaar are Joyce Kelley, Lois Perry and Judy Teeters. We need bakers, crafters, sellers, servers and buyers.
Thank you to all our Volunteers!
Sunday Refreshment Schedule
October 3 Roland, Edmund, Tim
October 10 Board Meetings – Christian Ed
October 17 Brad & Gail Jordan
October 24 John & Lori Frueauf
October 31 Bev Scarpelli & Judy Teeters
Preschool/Nursery Schedule – 2021
3 - Susan Sinks
10 - Kelly Medina
17 - Brian Sinks
24 - Megan Farnham
31 - Lori Frueauf
7 - Connie Sinks
14 - Amy Thompson
21 - Susan Sinks
28 - Kelly Medina
5 - Brian Sinks
12 - Amy Thompson
19 - Lori Frueauf
26 - Connie Sinks
Host/Greeter October
Susan Sinks
October 3 John Frueauf
October 10 Tim Haugan
October 17 Edmund Sasak
October 24 Edmund Sasak
October 31