DLABC welcomes Pastor Tom Kehr as Interim Pastor. Pastor Tom is an ordained American Baptist pastor and ABCUSA endorsed chaplain serving at London Correctional Institution. His undergraduate studies were obtained at Penn State University, Master's studies at both Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (on the North Shore of Boston) and Doctoral studies at Central Baptist Seminary in Shawnee, Kansas. He completed Clinical Pastoral Education in an internship with Kettering Health Network and with a year-long chaplain residency at the Veteran's Administration Medical Center in Dayton, OH. He has served as pastor in churches in Maine, Pennsylvania and Ohio. He served for ten years as a hospice chaplain and bereavement manager prior to his service with the incarcerated population for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections. Pastor Tom and his wife Janny are excited to serve alongside the DLABC church family.
