April 9, 1:30 pm Children's Easter egg hunt. Rain or shine. Bring your own basket or bag to collect your eggs. There will be food, drinks, a story, and of course, the egg hunt. There may be a small gift for parents, too.
April 10, 11:00 am Palm Sunday Service. We will have a processional with the palms at the beginning of the service.
April 14, 6:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service. We will be gathering for a soup supper and a simple Seder Service.
April 17, Easter
7:00 am Sunrise Service will be held outside on the front driveway, weather permitting. Pastor Pam Wantz will bring us the message.
8:00 am Breakfast will be served in the Evergreen Room.
11:00 am Easter Service. Pastor Tom will be bringing us the Easter message as we celebrate Christ's resurrection. Our ensemble will return to bring us special music.
Come join us!